"White gold" kaolin / China clay from Rønne
The project startet from a shared interest in using wild and local materials for our work. In order to understand where to start the hunt for ressources, it soon occurred to us, that technical information from old industry documents about the islands geology and industry history were our best teachers and guides.
Bornholm Museum kindly gave us access to the archives from where we found invaluable information from when industry started on the island 200 years ago and until it closed 25 years ago.
Land owners and farmers not only allowed us access to areas with clay, they also forwarded us to “new” fields and clay formations, or to other people that have provided us with interesting information for our research. People who once worked in the ceramic factories or clay pits have told us all those things, one can never find in any book about a specific clay, but what is exactly useful when turning this very specific type of wild clay into a ceramic object.
We have discussed with a lot of potters from near and abroad, who have shared their ways of how to process clay and rock efficiently. This project and the way it has developed is to a certain extent, based on the direction that these people pointed us at.
It is a wonderful way of getting to know the place in which we live and work and a great way of trying to understand a history and culture and it is a great challenge to try and forward this in our own way and work.
Funding from LAG Bornholm, made it possible for us to build a clay factory and facilities to accommodate Iwami Shinsuke, his assistants from Japan as Artists in Residence and the many students who have participated over the years in our project.
Funding from The Sasakawa Foundation, NOMURA Foundation and from The Danish Art Foundation and Bornholms Art and Culture Council, made it possible for us to spend this, in all ways, invaluable time together both in Denmark and in Japan.
Many students carried clay, crushed rock, cleaned kilns and cooked meals.
We would like to take this opportunity to thank every one of you!